Keller Williams Tulare County - David Daughtry
Лиценз №: DRE #02197421 - CA / Real Estate Salesperson Thomas Curtiss Real Estate Team at Keller Williams Tulare County -д
Keller Williams®-ын оффис бүрийг бие даан эзэмшиж, ажиллуулдаг
Миний дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл
МЭРГЭЖИЛ, ЗОРИУЛАЛТ Real Estate Salesperson
ЦЭРГИЙН ХЭРЭГСЭЛ Active Duty Military - United States United States Navy
ЗАХ ТӨВ Keller Williams Tulare County

Миний тухай

Why Choose Me As Your Agent?
David Daughtry has spent the greater part of the last twenty years as a member of the United States
Navy. Although service to our country is honorable enough on its own, his passion and focus is service
to his community. He has been a resident of Lemoore for the past sixteen years and has found joy and
purpose in giving back to the people around him that has made this place home for him. He is a loving
husband and father to two boys and their family is growing. David and his wife enjoying serving together
at their local church, spending time with family, and trips to the mountains. David has been entrusted
with several positions of leadership in which he has excelled in. He understands the importance of hard
work, communication, urgency and excellence.
Buying or selling a home can certainly be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. Having an agent that is
dedicated and knows how to succeed through any circumstance will give you the absolute best
experience you can have whether you are buying or selling your home. David has had years of
experience in leadership, problem solving, and customer care and is a true professional. He looks
forward to serving you in all of your real estate needs. With David Daughtry as your Realtor, you can rest
assured that you are going to receive excellent care and commitment.

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Шуурхай мессежийн хамт имэйл эсвэл утасны дугаараа оруулна уу, бид танд хамгийн тохиромжтой цагт эргэн холбогдох болно.
Өөрийн нэрээ оруулна уу.
Овогоо оруулна уу.
Имэйл хаягаа оруулна уу. Хүчинтэй имэйл хаяг оруулна уу.
Хүчинтэй утасны дугаар оруулна уу.
Утасны дугаараа оруулна уу. Хүчинтэй утасны дугаар оруулна уу.
Зурвас оруулна уу
"Мессеж илгээх" дээр дарснаар таны хувийн мэдээллийг манай нууцлалын бодлогын дагуу зохицуулж, Keller Williams үл хөдлөх хөрөнгийн агент эсвэл зах зээлийн төвтэй хуваалцах болно гэдгийг хүлээн зөвшөөрч байна.
Мессеж илгээсэн
Ямар нэгэн зүйл буруугаар эргэсэн. Дахин оролдоно уу.
David Daughtry
Лиценз №: DRE #02197421
Thomas Curtiss Real Estate Team at Keller Williams Tulare County

Гар утас
Сонирхсон уу? Ярилцъя!
Keller Williams Tulare County
1967 Hillman Tulare, CA 93274

David Daughtry
Real Estate Salesperson DRE #02197421
Гар утас
Энэ вэбсайт нь таны туршлагыг сайжруулахын тулд күүки ашигладаг. Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг манай нийтлэлээс уншина уу Күүкийн бодлого. "Зөвшөөрөх" дээр дарж эсвэл энэ сайтыг үргэлжлүүлэн ашигласнаар та күүки ашиглахыг зөвшөөрч байна Хэрэглэх нөхцөл болон Нууцлалын бодлого.